Turquoise + Red { Vibrant + Festive }

By The Celebration Team 06 Jun, 2016

Turquoise + Red { Vibrant + Festive }

Way too over the top or bright and beautiful bliss? That is the question! The trick to pulling off this vibrant and daring colour scheme with style and flair, is to strike the perfect balance between the colours. Using equal parts red and turquoise, tends to confuse the eyes – so decide which of the two will be your primary colour and add plenty of white to turn it into a show stopper.

This isn't a theme that can be pulled off in a half-hearted fashion. Think out of the box! Decorate the table with vintage turquoise enamel, scatter bright red cushions all over the lawn, and drape the tables in red table cloths – because why not?

Because the colour scheme is so striking, it's important to keep the elements and decorations as simple as possible. Instead of adding unnecessary bits and bobs, ensure that your coloured elements are practical as far as possible. For instance, serve freshly squeezed strawberry juice and blueberry punch in glass bottles and decorate the tables with red napkins and turquoise glassware.

While turquoise doesn't offer much along the lines of flowers, red is always in full bloom. Have your choice of roses, lilies and gladiolas – to name just a few. You can also play around with red autumn leaves and, combined with fresh fruits like strawberries, apples, blueberries, it makes for a fresh celebration of colour.

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