DIY Yarn Vases

By The Celebration Team 10 Jun, 2015

DIY Yarn Vases

If you’re wine lovers at heart, this DIY project will be right up your alley! Put those empty bottles to good use and create your very own striking yarn flower vases.

You will need:

  • A wine bottle
  • A ball of yarn
  • Clear glue or a glue gun
  • Lace ribbon (optional)
  • A selection of buttons (optional)
  • Your own choice of decorations (optional)

How to get started:

  • Start off by tying the end of the string around the neck of the bottle, right at the top just below the “lip”.
  • Secure the knot by applying a small blob of glue to stick the string to the bottle. This will keep it from shifting when you start winding. Leave to dry thoroughly before moving onto the next step.
  • Take a firm hold on the string and start winding it around the bottle, working carefully and slowly to ensure that each layer sits tightly next to the one before – you don’t want any gaps!
  • The trick is also to maintain a nice tight tension on the string so that it won’t slip later on.
  • Carry on until you get to about 1 cm from the base of the bottle. Apply a line of glue right around and wind the string around it one more time to glue it into place.
  • Cut the string as close to the bottle as possible and leave to dry overnight.
  • Decorate your bottle by wrapping a piece of lace ribbon around it, gluing buttons down the side or applying your own selection of embellishments.

Original images and their credits available on Pinterest