5 “Romantic†Ways to Save Up for the Big Day

By The Celebration Team 15 May, 2014

5 “Romantic†Ways to Save Up for the Big Day

A wedding is an expensive affair, or so you’re constantly reminded by everyone from your nosy colleague to your soon to be mother-in-law. Now often couples make the mistake of thinking “we need to save large chunks of money at a time†or even take out a loan for that matter. However, implementing small habitual changes you could do wonders for your budget as well as your romantic life – here are some examples:

#1. Make wedding planning your new hobby

Going out to restaurants and watching movies on the big screen are all fun and well, but in the long run it adds up and steals quite a large chunk of dough from your pocket. So instead of nights out at over-priced restaurants, why not stay in with your lovey – pour a glass of wine, put on a DVD or some music and use the time to plan your wedding… together. After all, planning your big day is a once in a lifetime opportunity – so make a memory of it.

#2. Turn off the lights

Electricity munches more money than we realize! So try to reduce the bill by lighting candles every night and snuggling up under a blanket or in front of the fire place instead of turning on the heater. Not only can the money you save be put towards the wedding day, the romantic setting is sure to spark a little intimacy between you and hubby-to-be, bringing you closer together.

#3. Cut the gym and personal trainer

You might argue that you need to get in shape for the wedding day, but who needs the gym when you’ve got your very own motivational workout buddy right here next to you? Working out with a partner is a proven method of bringing couples closer together and gives you the opportunity to spend quality time together while also getting to know one another in a non-traditional way.

#4. Carpool whenever and whenever you can

While it might not be as convenient as taking your own car to work, carpooling with your fiancé is an excellent way of cutting back on fuel. It might mean getting up a little earlier in the morning or taking a tiny detour, but in the end it will be worth the added effort. And besides – getting stuck in traffic will now become an excuse to spend extra time together!

#5. Take more time to just be engaged

What’s the rush? Just as the wedding day will only happen once, being engaged is something you’ll never get to relive. So instead of rushing into the planning phase and choosing a date, focus on saving up for the wedding day and enjoying the time as a happily engaged couple.