Freesias { Local Lovelies }
If you've just caught a whiff of springtime and oranges, it’s not necessarily citrus that’s teasing your senses, but rather the sweet and fragrant Freesia that we’re discussing today.
Even though yellow and white are the two most common colours associated with this fragrant flower specie, freesias are available in a wide array of magnificent colours. This includes vibrant shades such ruby red, purple, orange and luscious pink, not to mention the ever enchanting striped varieties. It’s also worth mentioning that the white, red and pink freesias are noticeably more fragrant than any of the other available colours, so be sure to include a blossom or three in each of your bouquets.
This delicate and oh-so elegant blossom has multiple sentiments hidden between its petals. For starters, it’s said that the yellow freesia is synonymous with friendship whereas the white is generally associated with innocence and purity. What’s more, the freesia also symbolises trust which explains why it is such a popular wedding flower in the first place.
It’s believed that the freesia takes its name from botanist Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Freese who experimented with the flower and ultimately christened it. Something you might not have known is that the humble freesia is native to South Africa, and we have approximately 14 species that call our beautiful country their home. This essentially puts it very high on the “not all that pricey” list, especially when in season. Once cut, a freesia can last up to 14 days when placed in a cool and shaded area.
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