Gather your Guests { Group Photos }
One of the things that can cause any couple stress on their wedding day is whether or not you’ve managed to snap a picture with every one of your guests. To eliminate this stress and cover all your bases, consider snapping one large group photo – here are some ideas for interesting group poses:
- Arrange your guests in a heart shape – simply the outline, if you don’t have a lot of guests, or “coloured in” if your guest list is big enough.
- Let them have fun and be quirky! Simply tell your guests that everyone must squeeze into the picture and let them figure the rest out for themselves (the results are usually quite hilarious!)
- If you’re religious, ask your guests to arrange themselves in the shape of a symbol that holds great meaning to you.
- Put a tongue-in-cheek twist on the traditional stiffly posed group photo by lining everyone up by height and then letting guests pull funny faces.
- Add a touch of colour to the guest photo by letting everyone throw a handful of confetti into he air.
- Put yourselves in the centre of the picture and share a kiss while your guests cheer and clap!
Original images and their credits available on Pinterest