Guest Appearances - Taking Photographs of Your Guests
The photographs of your wedding day are there to remind you of your love and union with your partner, but also to bring back memories of the friends and family that supported you on that day and shared in celebrating your marriage. In fact, “action photos” of the reception - guests dancing, chatting and generally having a good time - are usually the photographs that become the most special years down the line. After these important people have moved away, grown older or changed somehow, your wedding photographs of them become all the more meaningful. There are several ways to ensure that, as far as possible, each guest features in at least one photograph.
The first important point is to remember that not everybody feels comfortable in front of the camera. The wishes of these ones to decline a photograph should be respected so that they can enjoy your event without feeling like “wet blankets”. Apart from their personal desires, there are few things worse than a picture of someone that would rather be anywhere else and that feels (and looks) awkward.
Designate a specific photo area and get the Master of Ceremonies to indicate where it is and that you would like each of the guests to visit it. This can be done in a fun way, perhaps even emulating a real photo booth, where they can visit the curtained-off cubicle alone or in groups and do whatever crazy poses inspire them. Alternatively, it can be a more formal area with a neutral background and a dedicated photographer taking pictures of couples or groups of friends. By asking guests to take the initiative to get to the photo area, the bridal couples allows them to do it if and when they feel comfortable posing for the camera. If they are really averse to having their photo taken, there should be no pressure on them to do so.
As a couple, you may decide that you would rather have a picture of yourselves with various groups of guests. This could be done table-by-table, or in alphabetical order (i.e. all guests with a surname starting with the letters A to L). This makes it slightly easier for shy guests as they are just one of a group and it is a great gift for the people in that group to receive this photograph with the bridal couple. It needs to be done in an orderly way, preferably coordinated by the Master of Ceremonies. One group photo of the bridal couple with all the guests is always a good option, but it should be remembered that individual faces and outfits are not very clear in such large shots (even if it is a relatively small wedding, a photo of 50 people is not going to be very clear).
It is also wonderful to reminisce on the fun and happiness of the day. This is reflected in the way that the guests enjoyed themselves, so ask your photographer to move around the dance floor and amongst the tables and capture your friends and family as they enjoy themselves. After the wedding, have a look at the pictures your guests took of one another and get reprints of the ones that you love, so that you do not miss out on some of the best moments of the occasion.
Just as your guests will spend the day taking pictures of the two of you, it is advisable to ensure that you, in turn, have pictures of them. This will give your wedding an added touch of value and will remind you of the love and support you had on your day.
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